Overnight position

  • Highest swap rates in the industry
  • Swap points with no commission
  • The latest interest rates will be reflected immediately.

Aroon offers swap points generated by overnight positions at the highest rates in the industry.

Highest swap rates in the industry

Swap points with no commission

The latest interest rates will be reflected immediately.

Overnight position

The overnight position in the foreign exchange market means you carry that day trade over until the next day without any settlement on the same day. Since the market moves 24 hours a day, you may want to take a position when the price does not move according to your prediction and you want to take a wait-and-see attitude.

Swap Point

Swap points are the interest rates differences between two currencies and it is one type of profits you can make in Forex. If you sell the low interest rate currency and buy the high interest rate currency and maintain your position, you will receive swap points for the amount and duration of the position you maintain.
Due to the way Forex works, swap points are usually accrued daily from the next business day after a position is held, and are reflected in the swap item separately from the profit and loss of the position.

Please note that interest rates fluctuate daily due to exchange rates and market movements, depending on the amount you receive and the currency pair you trade in, you may have to pay the opposite.

Swap points are automatically reflected in your account (and your surplus margin will be affected at the time of reflection) and are converted to the currency displayed in your account. Swaps are reflected at 0:00 MT4 server time on every business day, and at 24:00 on Friday (00:00 on Saturday), the swap interest will be inflected for three days including the weekend.


Roll-over is to carry over the open position after the next day.
The reason for the rollover is that, in principle, foreign exchange margin trading will be settled in two business days.

Rollover takes place when the New York market closes. At this point, swap points will be added to the open positions.

Roll-over is a cover transaction through the interbank market, and we offer the industry's highest swap rate.